Family Engagement Plan
SANGER ISD Parent and Family
Engagement Policy
ESSA Section 1116
1. Sanger ISD will reach out to all parents and family members and implement programs, activities, and procedures for the involvement of parents and family members in programs consistent with the requirements of ESSA Section 1116. Such programs, activities, and procedures shall be planned and implemented with meaningful consultation with the parents of participating children. Section 1116 (a)(1)
Campus Educational Improvement Committee (CEIC) meetings, District Educational Improvement Committee (DEIC) meetings, Title I meetings, and campus program events held on each campus. Community partnership meetings and the Sanger ISD community outreach center.
2. Sanger ISD receives Title I, Part A funds. We aim to plan and implement effective parent and family involvement activities to improve student academic achievement and school performance. Therefore, SANGER ISD will develop jointly with, agree on with, and distribute a written parent and family engagement policy to parents and family members of participating children. Section 1116 (a)(2)
• The policy shall be incorporated into the local educational agency’s plan developed under section 1112 (District Improvement Plan, DIP),
• The policy will establish the LEA’s expectations and objectives for meaningful parent and family involvement.
Parent Family Engagement (PFE) activities are held at each campus, such as fall festival, reading nights, Meet the Teacher night, and Curriculum Nights at the beginning of the school year for parents to attend for school information, which involves various community organizations.
Title I campus and district meetings are held in the fall of each school year. Parents are invited to attend through social media, newsletters, flyers, and website postings. The PFE, along with the compact, is distributed at each meeting and revised based on parent and community input. Once the policy and compact are revised, they will be translated into Spanish and distributed through the website and parent conferences, as well as sent home with each student.
3. Sanger ISD will: involve parents and family members in jointly developing the local educational agency plan (DIP) under section 1112 and the development of support and improvement plans under paragraphs (1) and (2) of section 1111(d). Section 1116 (a)(2)(A)
The district improvement plan is revised and updated each year with parent and community input at regularly scheduled DEIC district meetings.
4. Sanger ISD will provide coordination, technical assistance, and other support necessary to assist and build the capacity of all participating schools within the local educational agency in planning and implementing effective parent and family involvement activities to improve student academic achievement and school performance, which may include meaningful consultation with employers, business leaders, and philanthropic organizations, or individuals with expertise in effectively engaging parents and family members in education. Section 1116 (a)(2)(B)
Strategies are developed at CEIC and DEIC meetings with parent and community input. Sanger ISD has a community outreach center that works with parents and community members. District and campus meetings are held to plan effective PFE activities.
5. Sanger ISD will coordinate and integrate parent and family engagement strategies under Title I, Part A, to the extent feasible and appropriate, with other relevant Federal, State, and local laws and programs, including public preschool programs, and conduct other activities, such as parent resource centers, that encourage and support parents in more fully participating in the education of their children; Section 1116 (a)(2)(C) and Section 1116 (e)(4)
6. Sanger ISD will conduct, with the meaningful involvement of parents and family members, an annual evaluation of the content and effectiveness of the parent and family engagement policy in improving the academic quality of all schools served under this part, including identifying— Section 1116 (a)(2)(D)
• barriers to greater participation by parents in activities authorized by this section (with particular attention to parents who are economically disadvantaged, are disabled, have limited English proficiency, have limited literacy, or are of any racial or ethnic minority background);
• the needs of parents and family members to assist with the learning of their children, including engaging with school personnel and teachers; and
• strategies to support successful school and family interactions;
DEIC will conduct the evaluation with input from teachers, parents, community, and business partners. The results will be posted on the campus and district websites.
7. Sanger ISD will use the findings of such evaluation to design evidence-based strategies for more effective parental involvement and to revise, if necessary, the parent and family engagement policies and Section 1116 (a)(2)(E)
Parents play a large role in the PFE policy. They devise strategies and activities and revise and review the policy through CEIC and DEIC to create a more effective plan.
8. Sanger ISD will involve parents in the activities of the schools served under this part, which may include establishing a parent advisory board comprised of a sufficient number and representative group of parents or family members served by the local educational agency to adequately represent the needs of the population for the purposes of developing, revising, and reviewing the parent and family engagement policy and provide such other reasonable support for parental involvement activities under this section as parents may request. Section 1116 (a)(2)(F) and Section 1116 (e)(14)
The district has a District Educational Improvement Committee (DEIC) comprising parents, teachers, community, and business partners. Each campus has a Campus Educational Improvement committee consisting of stakeholders for their campus. PTO/PTA/Booster clubs are also invited when discussing strategies for parent involvement activities and/or revising the PFE policy.
9. To ensure the effective involvement of parents and to support a partnership among the school involved, parents, and the community to improve student academic achievement, Sanger ISD shall: Section 1116 (e)(i) providing assistance to parents of children served by the local educational agency, as appropriate, in understanding such topics as the challenging State academic standards, State and local academic assessments, the requirements of the parent and family engagement program, and how to monitor a child’s progress and work with educators to improve the achievement of their children; Section 1116 (e)(1)
Sanger ISD has a community outreach liaison and center for resources for parents. Each campus sends out weekly newsletters to parents.
(ii) providing materials and training to help parents work with their children to improve their children’s achievement, such as literacy training and using technology (including education about the harms of copyright piracy), as appropriate, to foster parental involvement; Section 1116 (e)(2)
Sanger ISD has a foster care liaison to help parents work with their children to improve achievement. Sanger ISD is 1:1 technology at all campuses. Parents have access to computer labs through our community outreach center and are given information on technology at registration and during technology distribution.
(iii) educating teachers, specialized instructional support personnel, principals, and other school leaders and other staff, with the assistance of parents, in the value and utility of contributions of parents, and in how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with parents as equal partners, implement and coordinate parent programs, and build ties between parents and the school; Section 1116 (e)(3)
The district has a family outreach center that provides resources for parents. This information is also posted on the district website for parents to have easy access to links and information. Each campus holds a Title I meeting with parents and community members to give input for parent and family engagement.
(iv) ensuring that information related to school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities are sent to the parents of participating children in a format and, to the extent practicable, in a language the parents can understand; Section 1116 (e)(5)
Some of the documents that will be provided in Spanish or other languages as needed are the district PFE policy, the school PFE policy, District Translation procedures, the school-parent compact, parent’s right-to-know letter, and PFE newsletters from each campus and the campus and district plans.
ESSA statute does not require the Local Education Agency Parent and Family Engagement Policy to be approved by the school board.