A student engages in truant conduct if the student is required to attend school under TEC 25.085, and fails to do so.
If a student fails to attend school without an excuse on 10 or more days or parts of days within a six month period in the same school year and those absences have been verified by the campus as unexcused, the student and/or their parent may be referred to truancy court.
Why did I receive a letter about attendance and truancy?
If you receive a letter from your student’s school about your child being truant, their attendance records reflect that the student has absences without an excuse on three (or more) days or parts of days in a four-week period. This is also when the campus will implement Truancy Prevention Measures for the student.
The warning letter AND Truancy prevention measures (TPM) are required by law to assist students and parents and to prevent schools from filing with the court for compulsory attendance.
What are Truancy Prevention Measures (TPM)?
Truancy prevention measures (TPM) are meaningful interventions implemented by a campus to help identify the cause of a student's unexcused absences and identify actions to address each cause. The TPM's should include ongoing communication with the student and parents regarding the actions to be taken to improve attendance and avoid court filings. TPM's include but are not limited to: Parent and or Student Conference, Truancy Prevention Class (Online and/or In-Person), Attendance Contracts, Mandatory Student Tutorials, Student Detentions, Parent Engagement Classes, Referral to Administration, Counselor, or Truancy Officer, Saturday School, In-School Suspension, and Home Visits.