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Bus Safety, Rules and Consequences

Sanger ISD regards the bus as an extension of the campus school day. All rules and guidelines in the student code of conduct apply on the school bus to protect the passengers and shall include, but are not limited to the following:

Consequences for Rule Violations

Sanger ISD Transportation operates under a progressive discipline policy** when promoting and enforcing student safety on the bus.

This means that any safety violations will build on past violations in the same school year, resulting in longer suspension periods.

1st Offense: Written warning**

2nd Offense: 5 Day Suspension

3rd Offense: 10 Day Suspension

4th Offense: Suspension for the remainder of the semester 

Indefinite Suspension

**Any behavior endangering the driver or other students will constitute a Severe Clause and will be enforced at the discretion of the Director of Transportation. A Severe Clause will bypass the progressive discipline policy including a written warning and move directly to a suspension. The length of suspension will be based on the seriousness of the offense.

Any child suspended from bus services is NOT ALLOWED to board ANY SANGER ISD Bus for any reason.

Suspensions can only be served during active school days.