Section 504
Section 504 of the Americans with Disabilities Act prevents discrimination against students with substantially limiting disabilities that affect one or more major life activities. Eligible students are provided reasonable accommodations to give those students the same access to the benefit of a public education as all other students.
To understand Sanger ISD’s process and procedures for serving students with disabilities under Section 504, please review our Sanger ISD Parent Handbook: A Guide for Parents.
For information about Section 504 at your child’s campus or to request an evaluation under Section 504, please contact the appropriate campus 504 Coordinator: Sanger ISD Campus Coordinators
For questions concerning eligibility and procedures under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (including service animals), please contact SISD 504 Coordinator, Kim Mills via email or at 940-458-7438.
If your student is new to our district and is coming with a Section 504 plan from another district, please contact the campus coordinator. When your student starts school, the previous plan will be honored immediately. A transfer meeting will be held within 30 school days to adjust the plan appropriately for the new environment.